15 Great Websites For Beautiful Free Stock Images

15 Great Websites For Beautiful Free Stock Images

You can’t make great designs if you don’t know great websites for beautiful free stock images that you need to complete your work. Whatever it is that you need them for, stock images can be found entirely for free, even though a lot of websites offer them for a small fee. These images are free of copyright, so you can use them for both personal and commercial purposes, but make sure to check this twice because some pictures might require you to credit the author. They’re perfect for bloggers who want to make their work look more professional and appealing.

1. Unsplash

I think Unsplash definitely deserves a spot on the top of our list of great websites for beautiful free stock images. This is especially true if you are looking for pictures of people, but you can find a lot of other stock images as well. To be more precise, you can find more than 300,000 amazing, high-quality stock images, so you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. You can see the best ones on the homepage, and feel free to use these stock images however you like without worrying about copyright because they’re entirely free.

2. Pexels

It’s easy to discover breathtaking stock images on Pexels because they’re all nicely tagged. Their collection is very well-organized and quite large, but what puts them on our list of great websites for beautiful free stock images is the fact that you can also find free stock videos there! Search through their discover page and enjoy this source of free stock images and videos.

3. Pixabay

This website is a big source of high-quality, free stock images. While Unsplash is one of the great websites for beautiful free stock images that bloggers and content marketers use, Pixabay is more oriented towards marketing and business. What makes this website different from the others is that you can also find illustrations and free vectors on Pixabay.

4. Reshot

If you’re looking for stock images that you can freely use both editorially and commercially with no attribution required, make sure to check out Reshot. You’ll find a massive collection of free stock images that you won’t find on other sites. This community is made for freelancers, startups, designers, and marketers.

5. Picjumbo

You’ll find a lot of categories of free stock images on Picjumbo, including technology, nature, fashion, and abstract. Naturally, they are all free for commercial and personal use. An interesting fact about this website is that it’s created by a young photographer who got tired of getting rejections from major stock sites. Now, he runs one of the great websites for beautiful free stock images.

6. Stockvault

Here’s another good source of photos, illustrations, and even textures. Stockvault doesn’t have such a huge collection as Unsplash, but new stock images are added daily. It has a decent search engine, but you can also browse pictures by category and find anything that you need for your business or personal purposes.


7. Gratisography

This is one of the great websites for beautiful free stock images that aren’t that common. They have a quirky collection of high-resolution stock images that can’t compare to some of the websites I mentioned when it comes to quality, but that’s not the goal of this website anyway. They take pride in offering unique stock images that aren’t like all the others. Only the submissions that are interesting get to end up on Gratisography, and Morguefile is another unique website if this is what you’ve been looking for.

8. StyledStock

This website is also unique but in a different way. It offers feminine stock images for free, and it’s perfect for women entrepreneurs. The collection is entirely free for commercial and personal use, and isn’t it refreshing to know that there’s a stock image website made for all the business women out there?

9. Pikwizard

What sets Pikwizard apart from other great websites for beautiful free stock images is that it also gives you the possibility to make simple edits by using its design wizard. Basic edits such as adding text overlays are entirely free, but you will need to get a paid version if you want to use all the features this editing tool has to offer.

10. Rawpixel

This website offers a very diverse collection and, besides stock images, you’ll also find PSD mockups and vectors, as well as public domain content. If you choose to use their paid option you’ll contribute to the Hope for Children foundation.

11. Stocksnap.io

Back to really large sources of stock images, Stocksnap.io offers high-resolution pictures and has a good search feature that will help you find exactly what you need. The website tracks downloads and views, so you’ll easily pick the most popular photos.

12. Burst

Shopify brought us Burst, one of the great websites for beautiful free stock images. It was made to help entrepreneurs make marketing campaigns, websites, and products. The pictures are free for commercial use, and most of them are original and themed around business niches that are currently trending.

13. FoodiesFeed

For amazing stock images of food head over to the FoodiesFeed and take your pick of the realistic and entirely free food pictures. They are all in high resolution, and this website is perfect for food bloggers.

14. Freestocks.org

Find breathtaking pictures on Freestock.org, and don’t hesitate to use them for your website or your design. They are entirely free, and you don’t need to worry about breaking any copyright rules.

15. Picography

Picography is also one of the great websites for stock images, but it’s not the last one. There are also Foca, ISO Republic, Little Visuals, Picspree, Kaboom Pics, New Old Stock, SkitterPhoto, Jay Mantri, and Life of Pix. So, choose any of these websites and find the perfect stock images for your work without worrying about prices and copyright laws. Don’t forget that Canva also offers stock images for free on their website, so get creative and make use of all these possibilities!

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